VistaDB Setup fails, reporting that "The VistaDB 5 Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error.". This happens even if run by a local administrator from an elevated command shell. It may also remote that the installation has an invalid digital signature.
There are two common causes for this:
- Damaged Windows Installer: In some cases Windows Installer can be damaged and then it isn't possible for it to transition from the UI to the apply process since it can't connect to the local windows installer service.
- The local root certificates are out of date and unable to verify the digital signature used to protect the distribution file.
If the local Windows Installer is damaged then the Microsoft recommend correction is to do the following as an administrator from an elevated command shell:
msiexec /unreg msiexec /regserver
Which will re-register the appropriate COM objects. Once the computer is rebooted you should be able to install normally.
In the second case where the root certificates are out of date or the computer is unable to reach out and find a certificate revocation list you should try the following:
- Run RootsUpd manually: Download the manual root certificate update utility from Microsoft and follow the instructions to run it.
- Prevent Windows Installer CRL processing: Follow these instructions to bypass validation of the certificate.